36 Greatest Royals of All-Time   5 comments

This is a project that started with me simply wanting to make some cards of Royals of the past. I found a cool Larry Gura picture and wanted to use on something then this project was born. It is an original card design that was made even before my Just Fair design.

I was really going for a kind of cheap and cheesy look with these cards. I was thinking I wanted something like you would get as a free stadium give-away or more accurately those card of Royals that I believe police would give out. I think they may have been associated with the D.A.R.E. program or something. They were a little taller than the average card and had a message on back with a little cartoon, stuff like “Don’t take candy from strangers.”

Why 36? Well that is two complete 9-card pocket pages for a binder front and back. I don’t print backs for my cards so putting them back to back is a way to eliminate this problem. I was able to work most of the players I wanted into this set with 36 opportunities as well.

Here is a sample from the set, the first post, Paul Splittorff:

Royals Greats Paul Splittorff

Posted May 15, 2011 by VocalsOnTop

5 responses to “36 Greatest Royals of All-Time

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  1. Just happened across your site, very cool idea. Go Royals!

  2. very talented. how often do you make cards?

  3. Awesome love the spring training set are they all custom cards? Also I noticed the guys are not all there do you plan on doing them all?

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